ISBN 978-7-5019-8043-7
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赵筱蓓 中国台湾,与西点烘焙结缘于想要“拥有一家属于自己的面包店”的梦想。不过,等待面包发酵的时间太漫长,让没有耐心的她投入到快速且方便的蛋糕制作中,基于这样的追求和梦想,她考取了专业等级证书,《磅蛋糕123》是她的的一本西点烘焙食谱,以此分享对蛋糕的热爱和轻松制作蛋糕的经验。
008 愛上磅蛋糕
014 常用材料123
018 常用器具123
022 基本技巧123
基本磅蛋糕 *Pound Cake
028 原味磅蛋糕佐蔓越莓冰淇淋 Butter pound cake with cranberry ice cream
030 美式磅蛋糕佐龍舌蘭鮮……磅蛋糕123
008 愛上磅蛋糕
014 常用材料123
018 常用器具123
022 基本技巧123
基本磅蛋糕 *Pound Cake
028 原味磅蛋糕佐蔓越莓冰淇淋 Butter pound cake with cranberry ice cream
030 美式磅蛋糕佐龍舌蘭鮮奶油 Pound cake with tequila whipped cream
032 鄉村磅蛋糕佐檸檬糖漿 Country pound cake with lemon glaze
034 紅糖磅蛋糕佐焦糖醬 Brown sugar pound cake with caramel glaze
036 紅絲絨磅蛋糕佐奶油乳酪糖霜 Red velvet pound cake with cream cheese frosting
038 咖啡磅蛋糕佐咖啡酒乳酪醬 Coffee pound cake with Kahlua coffee cream glaze
040 汽水磅蛋糕佐檸檬汽水糖漿 Soda pound cake with lemon soda glaze
042 奶油乳酪磅蛋糕佐薰衣草糖醬 Cream cheese pound cake with lavender syrup
044 優格磅蛋糕佐杏仁優格糖霜 Yogurt pound cake with apricot yogurt frosting
046 鮮奶油磅蛋糕佐熱莓醬 Whipping cream pound cake with warm berry sauce
048 酸奶磅蛋糕 Sour cream pound cake
050 白脫牛奶磅蛋糕佐蘭姆酒紅糖漿 Buttermilk pound cake with rum glaze
水果蜜餞磅蛋糕 *Fruit Pound Cake
054 草莓磅蛋糕 Strawberry pound cake
055 檸檬磅蛋糕 Lemon pound cake
056 蘋果磅蛋糕 Apple pound cake
058 香蕉磅蛋糕 Banana pound cake
060 橘子磅蛋糕 Tangerine pound cake
062 鳳梨磅蛋糕佐蘭姆酒糖漿 Pineapple pound cake with rum glaze
064 杏桃磅蛋糕佐杏桃糖漿 Apricot pound cake with apricot juice glaze
066 藍莓磅蛋糕佐檸檬糖醬 Blueberry pound cake with lemon juice syrup
068 櫻桃磅蛋糕 Cherry Pound Cake
069 無花果磅蛋糕 Figs pound cake
070 椰子磅蛋糕佐百香果乳醬 Coconut pound cake with passion fruit curd
072 水果蜜餞磅蛋糕 Fruit filled pound cake
磅蛋糕1 2 3 006 PoundCake
堅果磅蛋糕 *Nut Pound Cake
076 杏仁磅蛋糕佐茉莉奶油醬 Almond pound cake with jasmine pastry cream
078 抹茶紅豆磅蛋糕 Matcha and red bean pound cake
080 罌粟籽磅蛋糕 Poppy seed pound cake
082 夏威夷果磅蛋糕 Macadamia pound cake
084 核桃磅蛋糕佐楓糖漿 Walnut pound cake with maple glaze
086 花生磅蛋糕 Peanut pound cake
088 芝麻磅蛋糕 Sesame pound cake
酒香磅蛋糕 *Alcohol Pound Cake
092 覆盆子利口酒磅蛋糕 Raspberry liqueur pound cake
093 波本酒磅蛋糕 Bourbon pound cake
094 蘭姆酒葡萄乾磅蛋糕 Rum raisin pound cake
096 白巧克力脆片苦杏酒磅蛋糕 White chocolate amaretto pound cake
098 核桃蛋奶酒磅蛋糕(附蛋奶酒作法)Walnuts eggnog pound cake
100 柑曼怡香橙干邑甜酒磅蛋糕 Grand marnier pound cake
102 馬德烈酒磅蛋糕 Madeira pound cake
104 櫻桃甜酒磅蛋糕 Maraschino cherry pound cake
105 汽泡蘋果酒磅蛋糕 Hard apple cider pound cake
106 杏桃白蘭地磅蛋糕 Apricot brandy pound cake
巧克力磅蛋糕 *Chocolate Pound Cake
110 苦甜巧克力磅蛋糕與英式萃芙 Bittersweet chocolate pound cake and trifle
112 特濃巧克力磅蛋糕 Double chocolate pound cake
114 牛奶巧克力磅蛋糕佐覆盆子醬 Milk chocolate pound cake with raspberry sauce
116 大理石紋磅蛋糕佐檸檬蛋黃醬 Marble swirl pound cake with lemon curd cream
118 黑巧克力紅糖磅蛋糕佐巧克力糖漿 Dark chocolate brown sugar pound cake with chocolate glaze
120 巧克力優格磅蛋糕 Chocolate yogurt pound cake
121 巧克力豆磅蛋糕 Chocolate chip pound cake
122 巧克力餅乾磅蛋糕 Chocolate cookies pound cake
124 咖啡巧克力磅蛋糕佐巧克力糖霜 Cafe chocolate pound cake with chocolate fudge frosting
126 巧克力瑞士卷佐香堤鮮奶油 Chocolate Swiss roll with crème chantilly
香料及香草磅蛋糕 *Spice Pound Cake
130 黑胡椒磅蛋糕 Black pepper pound cake
132 肉桂磅蛋糕佐肉桂糖霜 Cinnamon pound cake with cinnamon frosting
134 大茴香磅蛋糕 Anise pound cake
136 薑磅蛋糕 Ginger pound cake
138 肉荳蔻磅蛋糕 Nutmeg pound cake
140 香草磅蛋糕 Vanilla bean pound cake
142 柳橙丁香磅蛋糕 Orange clove pound cake
144 檸檬馬鞭草磅蛋糕 Lemon verbena pound cake
145 迷迭香麥片磅蛋糕 Rosemary polenta pound cake
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